In this blog, I am going to introduce a revolutionary concept called object oriented programming system (oops) based on which the languages like Smalltalk, Simula-67, c++, Java, Python, etc are created.

In this blog, we are going to have a bird's eye view of the fundamental concepts of oops. 

Before we delve into the OOPS Concept. Let's consider a more fundamental question: what exactly is an Object?  This both a complex and a simple question. It is complex because learning any method of software development is not trivial. It is simple because people already think in terms of objects.
For example: when you look at a person, you see the person as an object. And an object is defined by two components: Attributes and behaviors. A person has attributes like name, age, height, and weight etc and also has behaviors, such as walking, talking, breathing, and so on. In its basic definition, an object is an entity. that contains both data and behavior.

Procedure Oriented Approach versus Objects Oriented Approach. 

    The languages like  C, Pascal, Fortran, etc are called procedure-oriented programming languages. Since in these languages, a programmer uses procedure or functions to perform a task: while developing software the main task divided into several sub-tasks, and each sub-task is represented as a procedure or a function. The main task is thus composed of several procedures and functions. This approach is called the procedure-oriented approach.

On the other hand languages like C++, Java, and Python use Classes and Objects in their programs and are called object-oriented programming languages. A class is a module that itself contains data and methods(functions) to achieve the task. The main task is divided into several subtasks and these are represented as classes. This approach is called object-oriented approach.

Object-Oriented Programming

What, then, is object-oriented programming (OOP)? We define it as follows: 

Object-oriented programming is a method of implementation in which programs are organized as cooperative collections of objects, each of which represents an instance of some class, and whose classes are all members of a hierarchy of classes united via inheritance relationships. 

There are three important parts to this definition: 

  • The object-oriented programming uses objects, not algorithms as its fundamental logical building blocks.
  • Each object is an instance of some class.
  • Classes may be related to one another via inheritance relationships.

Features of the object-oriented programming system

  1. Classes and Objects
  2. Encapsulation 
  3. Abstraction 
  4. Inheritance 
  5. Polymorphism

A program may appear to be object-oriented, but if any of these elements is missing, it is not an object-oriented program. Specifically programming without inheritance is distinctly not object-oriented.

The explanation of the 5 Features of  OOPS with a real-world scenario will be posted in the next blog.


  1. "Your blog on OOPs concepts was a breath of fresh air amidst the sea of technical jargon - informative, concise, and surprisingly entertaining!"


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